Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Episode 137: New Year, Same Dogs


The first episode of 2022 sees us playing catch up. What did we get up to over Christmas and New Year?

Stephanie has some Izzy tales from the dog park, Gideon's first Christmas, and ....some unsolicited d**k pics?

Kate has some big, sad stories of her dog pack, Christmas miracles, and ....poop eating?

Plus we've got dog spots and a bit of cat talk. Its a must listen episode!

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Episode 136: A Dog for Christmas


For our last Christmas episode (and last for 2021) we have possibly the most misleading movie in existence. How much dog content should be in a movie titled A Dog For Christmas? A lot more than this one has! And even looking beyond the lack of dog, is there anything redeemable about the movie that claims to be a low budget version of Christmas Vacation? (Spoilers: NO)

But don't worry, we fill your doggo needs with talk of Izzy, Gideon and Jazz. Plus we've got some very exciting doggo spots.

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Episode 135: Caturday - Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever


Ho Ho NO! Do you identify Grumpy? This Holiday season, we do! Well, Kate always has, so it was a delight talking about the 2014 Lifetime Christmas movie featuring everyones favourite downcast cat.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Episode 134: Gremlins


Happy Holidays! Em and Anna from the Shelf Aware podcast are back for their annual Christmas movie. While this one, the 1984 classic, Gremlins, pushes the boundaries of a dog in a movie, it doesn't stop the ladies finding distractions with other topics. Anna has to know about the age of the main character and why he has teenage friends. Em gets stuck on what exactly this movie is trying to say. While Kate just want to talk about best boy Barney.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Episode 133: A Dog's Journey


Em from the Shelf Aware podcast is back to discuss the 2019 hot mess A Dog's Journey. Was the wait worth it? We discuss what works and what doesn't. And Em has a lot of opinions about the differences between the movie and the book. But hey, at least the dogs are cute.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Episode 132: Bert and Phoebe


Emma joins the show this week to talk about the loves of her life Bert (Bertie) and Phoebe.

Listen as Emma talks about Bertie's rags to riches story. From a street dog, to foster fail to the number one man in her life. Then Phoebe, her crazy but very lovable labrador who likes to get stuck into everything, including gross things on her walks.

We talk toys, treats, outfits (!!) and just how important pets are in Emma's life.


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Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Episode 131: Lady and the Tramp 2


Julianna from the Puffcast is back to talk about a movie that featured a fair bit in her childhood. Lady and The Tramp 2 was a straight to VHS sequel that followed a predictable Disney trope. From forced heteronormative doggy romances (what?) to songs that just don't cut it, will there be anything redeemable about Scamp's Adventure?


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