Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Episode 57: Benji (2018)
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Episode 56: 101 Dalmatians (Live Action)
A good live action remake of an old classic or only good value for nostalgia? Tune in as Kate is joined by Mo from the Targeted podcast to discuss the 1996 Disney movie 101 Dalmatians. Was this another disturbing but fun romp through a 90s kids movie, or was it even too horrifying for Kate? Both the ladies loved Glenn Close but Mo raised an important question, do the main actors even like each other? Plus there’s dogs, lots and lots and lots and lots of dogs.
Also, don’t miss hearing about Mo’s two precious fur babies and their story!
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Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Episode 55: Beethoven
Beethoven is perhaps one of of the most iconic dog movies of the early 90s and marked as a favourite by many, but does it still hold up? Val is back with Kate to discuss one of their favourite love to hate topics – questionable dog handling! Is it any worse or better than other 90s movies? They discuss the numerous actors that were up for the role of the Dad – and how strong his patriarchal reign is! – as well as the famous secondary actors. Most importantly they talk about Chris the Saint Bernard, his popularity, his beauty, his drool and so much more!
Plus what has Val been up to these last few weeks? Its dog related and its good!
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Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Episode 54: Downward Dog (part 3)
Could these next episodes of Downward Dog be the most relatable yet? Find out why when you tune in to hear Kate and Stephanie talk about the show for the second last time. What does Martin’s perfect nap look like? And are puppies really that bad?
Curious about what the ladies dogs have been up to? There is plenty of dog chatter including your scoop on Jazz’s Tasting Table. Find out where you can watch it, and the most expensive treat the dogs have ever eaten.
Plus we read reviews and find out where else you can hear Kate talk movies!
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Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Episode 53: Dog Days
Carrie from the Sip and Shine podcast joins the show this week to talk about how she went from not having a dog for nearly 20 years, to completely obsessed with her rescue dog Layla. Is it weird to skype your dog? Is sleeping in the bed with them normal? You won’t be shocked to hear Kate’s answers.
Plus the ladies chat about the 2018 movie Dog Days, a rather obscure release that not many people heard about. But does that mean its bad or is it actually a sweet sentimental dog movie that shows the impact they can have on our lives in various ways?
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Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Episode 52: Beverly Hills Chihuahua
Ana from Pop Prism Power is here to discuss the 2008 Disney movie Beverly Hills Chihuahua. Featuring an all star cast and cute dogs, the film is basically Homeward Bound set in Mexico, but does that mean its endearing or a snooze? Of course, its not without other problems. We get into the very obvious class discrimination and stereotypes that plague what is an almost perfect dog movie.
Plus Ana has a large dog pack, with Chihuahua’s of her own, but will she get the record of the guest with the most pets? And does she spoil her dogs like Chloe in the movie? Tune in to find out.
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Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Episode 51: Balto
Ashley is here to relive some nostalgia with one of her favourite childhood movies, Balto. The 1995 cartoon is based on real life events, but how much does the story actually differ? If lovable, awkward secondary characters are your jam, then this movie has some of the best, and we couldn’t stop gushing about them. Also, is it possible to be attracted to a cartoon character voice? Especially when that voice is Kevin Bacon playing a wolf-dog? It might get a little weird, but we have the answers.
Ashley also talks about her dog Daisy, frequent traveller, pampered pooch and 100% good girl.
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